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paolo 10:24 Sat Nov 14
Romford night out
Hi all, it's been a very long time since I went out in Romford but I need to take my Mum and Aunt out tonight for their 70th birthday they are twins. Want to avoid the low life drunks so can anyone recommend somewhere for a drinks perhaps some light eating.

I know there is other places but my aunt needs to get a train back to Chelmsford after.

Cheers lads and Lasses.

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

cholo 12:23 Mon Nov 16
Re: Romford night out
The tollgate, order them the surf and turf and come back a few hours later, they'll never chew through that leathery mofo.

mashed in maryland 12:06 Mon Nov 16
Re: Romford night out
Just don't take them out on the high street.

Got to be literally dozens of suitable pubs and countless restaurants in the Romford area.

Chadwell Heath may be a good place to look.

subcutaneous 11:58 Mon Nov 16
Re: Romford night out
Taking senior citizens out in Romford on a Saturday night is irresponsible.

You should be ashamed of yourself.

However, if you must, the Romford dogs is probably the least worst suggestion so far.

They can have a meal, a drink, a little flutter and most importantly, it can all be done sitting down.

And if you don't drive, pay for them to get a cab home, you tight bastard.

Uncle Junior 7:56 Sun Nov 15
Re: Romford night out
Sounds like you should be going out in Norwich

paolo 7:28 Sun Nov 15
Re: Romford night out
Went to a new bar called Dubai something or other. Not bad.

monto 11:55 Sun Nov 15
Re: Romford night out
Pop in the Bull for a few quiet ones. Take a short walk to the Brewery and sample the food and atmosphere of Cosmo then round off the evening in style with Missoula and it's extensive drinks menu.

ajc123 11:45 Sun Nov 15
Re: Romford night out
Make sure they're tooled up with a selection of knives and knuckledusters and the obligatory stab vest.

Gavros 7:06 Sat Nov 14
Re: Romford night out
Or even shenfield would be better. Train back to Chelmsford from there.

Gavros 7:05 Sat Nov 14
Re: Romford night out
Horrible place. Take her out to somewhere nice like the black horse in Brentwood.

Crassus 7:01 Sat Nov 14
Re: Romford night out
Dont you drive then? If so why are you letting pensioners travel on their own at this time of day? Pick them up, take them somewhere decent the drive them back

Alternatively, go for a Sunday lunch in a Schooner Inne or some such culinary delight when they have half a chance of reaching the destination in one piece

Romfordboy 6:44 Sat Nov 14
Re: Romford night out
What's all this then....

Davenport 6:41 Sat Nov 14
Re: Romford night out
Blue Orchid for a chinese. The absolute best.

Otherwise i'd give rommo a wide berth.

ted fenton 5:30 Sat Nov 14
Re: Romford night out
Shit weather I'd stay in and give them a Mackeson.

Rise Park family 5:27 Sat Nov 14
Re: Romford night out
Work there, cant think why anyone would want go out there for fun....on a weekend! FMOB

Private Dancer 5:25 Sat Nov 14
Re: Romford night out

ElmParkPikey 5:23 Sat Nov 14
Re: Romford night out
Cheers PD. I was trying to fuck up his night good and proper

Private Dancer 5:20 Sat Nov 14
Re: Romford night out
Pikey - They are both still there pal, proper shitholes.

ElmParkPikey 5:06 Sat Nov 14
Re: Romford night out
get down the Moon House for a Chinky. There's a boozer up the street called the Victoria., if they are still there that is

Private Dancer 4:52 Sat Nov 14
Re: Romford night out
There is ALWAYS a choice, you fucking bell.

paolo 3:39 Sat Nov 14
Re: Romford night out
It's convenient not through choice Bruuuuunob

bruuuno 2:47 Sat Nov 14
Re: Romford night out
Taking your 70yo mum down Romford on a Saturday night is quite possibly the worst idea anyone has ever had

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